Genesis Institute is an extension of Genesis Solutions Consulting that focusses on solving problems and building community solutions with Government and Not-for-Profits, usually on a pro-bono basis.
Genesis Institute is primarily a research arm of Genesis Solutions. Our principal interest is to further the understanding and best practices in how to improve services to community with a view to substantially improve communities, and to make this information available to others that can help.
We do this by working with governments and other community-based organisations, to design and operate projects that explore, study, research and improve services and governance of those services to community, and then to share this information with other like organisations.
For more information, please contact david@genesissolutions.au
Side note: Why do we use a copyright notice on some of our documents? We want this information to be freely available to people in local government & not-for-profits to use, not for it to become a tool for someone else to charge for and profit commercially, hence the copyright.