Genesis Solutions

Recent Engagements

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Selected Recent Engagements

  • Consulted and led a program to develop a Leadership capabilities framework and leadership development program which saw a 20% improvement in leadership performance
  • Designed & implemented an Organisational Change program for an organisation wide change in a medium-large organisation which included setting up a community of practice and an internal website
  • Designed and implementation a project management capability framework and training program which has seen a 30% improvement in project delivery success
  • Led an international taskforce in Asia Pacific region to investigate issues in consulting/IT sales performance and execution. Identified organisational, skills and knowledge issues. New guidelines were published and new processes, training & knowledge sharing community were set up resulting in recognition from the Executive team
  • Consulted with key stakeholders at an Asia Pacific level in a large multinational organisation to assist them with addressing issues with failing/troubled projects. Led the improvement initiatives to address project management skills gaps including introduction of new training & standards which were then replicated globally
  • Reviewed an organisations existing  project management capability and advised on a number of key actions to improve project success
  • Helped lead an Organisational culture change program that saw a 20% improvement in staff engagement over 2 years
  • Revised and developed an organisational Risk Management strategy for a medium organisation
  • Implemented a business planning framework to provide cross organisational clarity and linkage around business short and long term objectives
  • Consulted and implemented a service planning framework to assist managers to forecast service demand and capacity planning
  • Co-developed a “Leading Change” program that included a toolkit and training program for leadership
  • Consulted and implemented performance management framework for senior leaders
  • Provided Leadership coaching to Executive team members and department managers

Note: further details of these engagements can be provided.